For the optimal sunless tanning experience, please be sure to follow our recommendations for preparation and after care.
Skin Prep

- If you plan to exfoliate, please do so the day before your spray tanning session– not the day of. I do not suggest using cream or gel based scrubs as these products contain oils which can stick to the skin.
- Dry exfoliation with a scrubby glove, dry brush or washcloth is always best.
- Refrain from using lotions, depilatories, shave creams or makeup immediately before your session. Shaving should take place at least 12 hrs before and another basic shower should take place the morning of your tan. Natural soap and water only. No Dove products.
- Schedule your manicure, pedicure, facial, waxing and hair appointments prior to your spraytan.
- You may wear underwear or an old bathing suit bottom to your appointment, however many of our clients spray in nothing at all.
- Come with loose, dark cotton clothing and flip flops to wear home
- Our solution is very forgiving so rain is not an issue, but if it’s in the forcast, please come with a raincoat and umbrella.
- Remove your makeup prior to your appointment.
Post Tanning Instructions
- Avoid tight clothing such as denim, yoga pants, socks and a bra immediately following your session. These items are more likely to rub on the skin.
- Stay away from moisture for at least 8 hours following your appt. This includes showers, working out, dishes, moisturizing and applying liquid makeup. Give your skin the time it needs to absorb the solution.
- Rinse the bronzer off 8-10 hours (or the next day) after your spray tan. use warm water and natural body washes. Avoid scrubbing with harsh soaps, washcloths or loofahs. Keep the shower very quick and pat dry with your towel.
- Moisturize after every shower with a natural product free of parabens or sulfates. We recommend our Infinity Sun Tan Me BB Moisturizing serum! Apply twice per day. Once after the shower, and once before bed.
- Avoid steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs and prolonged dips in the pool or ocean!
- Don’t exfoliate the skin until you are ready to say goodbye to your tan! If you use chemical exfoliators on the face , such as Retin-A or glycolic acid, be sure to purchase our Infinity Sun Glow on the Go Face Mist to keep up your color!!